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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Shavuah Tov, Parashah Vayera

Shavuah Tov, Parashah Vayera

If you believe The Scriptures are Elohim’s infallible Word and you believe Elohim, believe that He says what He means and means what He says. Please read and discover….. .
If you read take always in remembrance: Joh 1:1  In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with Elohim, and the Word was Elohim.
Joh 1:2  He was in the beginning with Elohim.
Joh 1:3  All came to be through Him,1 and without Him not even one came to be that came to be. Footnote: 1Eph. 3:9, Col. 1:16, Heb. 1:2, Heb. 11:3, 2 Peter 3:5, Ps. 33:6.
Joh 1:4  In Him was life, and the life was/is the light of men.

Weekly reading:

Parashah Vayera: Gen 18:1-22:24

Haftorah: II Ki 4:1-37

Suggested HaBerith HaChadashah Reading: Lk 1:26-38; 24:36-53;
2 Pet. 2:4-11

Gen 18:1  And יהוה (Yeshuah) appeared to him by the terebinth trees of Mamrĕ, while he was sitting in the tent door in the heat of the day.

[Targum JERUSALEM) Three angels were sent to our father Abraham; and the three were sent for three things;--because it is not possible that one of the high angels should be sent for more things than one. The first angel was sent to announce to our father Abraham, that, behold, Sarah would bear Izhak; the second angel was sent to deliver Lot from the midst of the overthrow; the third angel was sent to overthrow Sedom and Amorah, Admah and Zeboim. Therefore was there a word of prophecy from before the Lord unto Abraham the Just, and the Word (Memra) of the Lord was revealed to him in the valley of vision; and he sat in the door of the tabernacle, comforting himself from his circumcision in the fervor (or strength) of the day.]  (Translation: by J. W. Etheridge, M.A.)

Gen 18:2  So he lifted his eyes and looked, and saw three men standing opposite him. And when he saw them, he ran from the tent door to meet them, and bowed himself to the ground,
Gen 18:3  and said, “יהוה, if I have now found favour in Your eyes, please do not pass Your servant by.
Gen 18:4  “Please let a little water be brought, and wash your feet, and rest yourselves under the tree.
Gen 18:5  “And let me bring a piece of bread and refresh your hearts, and then go on, (and give thanks in Name of Yeshuah from YHWH) for this is why you have come to your servant.” And they said, “Do as you have said.”

(Targum Pseudo-Jonathan) And he said, I beseech, by the mercies (that are) before Thee, O Lord, if now I have found favour before Thee, that the glory of Thy shekina may not now ascend from Thy servant, until I have set forth provisions under the tree. And I will bring food of bread, that you may strengthen your hearts, and give thanks in the Name of the Word of the Lord, and afterwards pass on. (Translation: by J. W. Etheridge, M.A.)

Gen 18:6  So Aḇraham ran into the tent to Sarah and said, “Hurry, make ready three measures of fine flour, knead it and make cakes.”
Gen 18:7  And Aḇraham ran to the herd, took a tender and good calf, gave it to a young man, and he hurried to prepare it.
Gen 18:8  And he took curds and milk and the calf which he had prepared, and set it before them, and he stood by them under the tree as they ate.
Gen 18:9  And they said to him, “Where is Sarah your wife?” And he said, “See, in the tent.”
Gen 18:10  And He said, “I shall certainly return to you according to the time of life, and see, Sarah your wife is to have a son!” And Sarah was listening in the tent door which was behind him.
Gen 18:11  Now Aḇraham and Sarah were old, well advanced in age, and Sarah was past the way of women.
Gen 18:12  And Sarah laughed within herself, saying, “After I have grown old, shall I have pleasure, my master being old too?”
Gen 18:13  And יהוה said to Aḇraham, “Why did Sarah laugh, saying, ‘Shall I truly have a child, since I am old?’
Gen 18:14  “Is any matter too hard for יהוה? At the appointed time I am going to return to you, according to the time of life, and Sarah is to have a son.”
Gen 18:15  But Sarah denied it, saying, “I did not laugh,” for she was afraid. And He said, “No, but you did laugh!”
Gen 18:16  And the men rose up from there and looked toward Seḏom, and Aḇraham went with them to send them away.
Gen 18:17  And יהוה said, “Shall I hide from Aḇraham what I am doing,
Gen 18:18  since Aḇraham is certainly going to become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?
Gen 18:19  “For I have known him, so that he commands his children and his household after him, to guard the way of יהוה, to do righteousness and right-ruling, so that יהוה brings to Aḇraham what He has spoken to him.”
Gen 18:20  And יהוה said, “Because the outcry against Seḏom and Amorah is great, and because their sin is very heavy,
Gen 18:21  “I am going down now to see whether they have done altogether according to the outcry against it that has come to Me, and if not, I know.”
Gen 18:22  So the men turned away from there and went toward Seḏom, but יהוה still stood before Aḇraham.
Gen 18:23  And Aḇraham drew near and said, “Would You also destroy the righteous with the wrong?
Gen 18:24  “Suppose there are fifty righteous within the city, would You also destroy the place and not spare it for the fifty righteous that were in it?
Gen 18:25  “Far be it from You to act in this way, to slay the righteous with the wrong, so that the righteous should be as the wrong. Far be it from You! Does the Judge of all the earth not do right?”
Gen 18:26  And יהוה said, “If I find in Seḏom fifty righteous within the city, then I shall spare all the place for their sakes.”
Gen 18:27  And Aḇraham answered and said, “Look, please, I who am but dust and ashes have taken it upon myself to speak to יהוה,
Gen 18:28  “Suppose there are five less than the fifty righteous, would You destroy all of the city for lack of five?” And He said, “If I find there forty-five, I do not destroy it.”
Gen 18:29  And he spoke to Him yet again and said, “Suppose there are found forty?” And He said, “I would not do it for the sake of forty.”
Gen 18:30  And he said, “Let not יהוה be displeased, and let me speak: Suppose there are found thirty?” And He said, “I would not do it if I find thirty there.”
Gen 18:31  And he said, “Look, please, I have taken it upon myself to speak to יהוה: Suppose there are found twenty?” And He said, “I would not destroy it for the sake of twenty.”
Gen 18:32  And he said, “Let not יהוה be displeased, and let me speak only this time: Suppose there are found ten?” And He said, “I would not destroy it for the sake of ten.”
Gen 18:33  Then יהוה went away as soon as He had ended speaking to Aḇraham. And Aḇraham returned to his place.

Gen 19:1  And the two messengers came to Seḏom in the evening, and Lot was sitting in the gate of Seḏom. And when Lot saw them, he rose up to meet them, and he bowed himself with his face toward the ground,
Gen 19:2  and he said, “Look, please my masters, please turn in to your servant’s house and spend the night, and wash your feet, and rise early and go your way.” And they said, “No, but let us spend the night in the open square.”
Gen 19:3  But he urged them strongly, and they turned in to him and came into his house. And he made them a feast, and baked unleavened bread, and they ate.
Gen 19:4  Before they lay down, the men of the city, the men of Seḏom, both old and young, all the people from every part, surrounded the house.
Gen 19:5  And they called to Lot and said to him, “Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us, and let us ‘know’ them.”
Gen 19:6  So Lot went out to them through the doorway, and shut the door behind him,
Gen 19:7  and said, “Please, my brothers, do not do evil!
Gen 19:8  “Look, please, I have two daughters who have not known a man. Please, let me bring them out to you, and do to them as you wish, only do no deed to these men, because they have come under the shadow of my roof.”
Gen 19:9  But they said, “Stand back!” And they said, “This one came in to sojourn, and should he always judge? Now we are going to treat you worse than them.” So they pressed hard against the man Lot, and came near to break down the door.
Gen 19:10  But the men reached out their hands and pulled Lot into the house with them, and shut the door.
Gen 19:11  Then they struck the men who were at the doorway of the house with blindness, both small and great, and they wearied themselves to find the door.
Gen 19:12  And the men said to Lot, “Have you anyone else here? A son-in-law, and your sons, and your daughters, and whomever you have in the city – bring them out of this place!
Gen 19:13  “For we are going to destroy this place, because the cry against them has grown great before the face of יהוה, and יהוה has sent us to destroy it.”
Gen 19:14  And Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law, who had married his daughters, and said, “Get up, get out of this place, for יהוה is going to destroy this city!” But to his sons-in-law he seemed to be as one joking.
Gen 19:15  And when morning dawned, the messengers urged Lot to hurry, saying, “Get up, take your wife and your two daughters who are here, lest you be consumed in the punishment of the city.”
Gen 19:16  And while he loitered, the men took hold of his hand, and his wife’s hand, and the hands of his two daughters, יהוה having compassion on him, and they brought him out and set him outside the city.
Gen 19:17  And it came to be, when they had brought them outside, that he said, “Escape for your life! Do not look behind you nor stay anywhere in the plain. Escape to the mountains, lest you be consumed.”
Gen 19:18  And Lot said to them, “Oh no, יהוה!
Gen 19:19  “Look, please, your servant has found favour in your eyes, and you have increased your kindness which you have shown me by saving my life, but I am unable to escape to the mountains, lest calamity overtake me and I die.
Gen 19:20  “Look, please, this city is near enough to flee to, and it is small. Please let me escape there – is it not a small matter – and let my life be saved?”
Gen 19:21  And He said to him, “Look, I have favoured you concerning this matter also, without overthrowing this city for which you have spoken.
Gen 19:22  “Hurry, escape there. For I am not able to do any deed until you arrive there.” So the name of the city was called Tsoʽar.
Gen 19:23  The sun had risen upon the earth when Lot entered Tsoʽar.
Gen 19:24  And יהוה (Yeshuah) rained sulphur and fire on Seḏom and Amorah, from יהוה (Yeshuah) out of the heavens.

(Targum Pseudo-Jonathan) And the Word of the Lord had caused showers of favour to descend upon Sedom and Amorah, to the intent that they might work repentance, but they did it not: so that they said, Wickedness is not manifest before the Lord. Behold, then, there are now sent down upon them sulphur and fire from before the Word of the Lord from Heaven. (Translation: by J. W. Etheridge, M.A.)

(Targum JERUSALEM.) 24. And the Word of the Lord Himself had made to descend upon the people of Sedom and Amorah showers of favour, that they might work repentance from their wicked works. But when they saw the showers of favour, they said, So, our wicked works are not manifest before Him. (Translation: by J. W. Etheridge, M.A.)

Gen 19:25  So He overthrew those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and what grew on the ground.
Gen 19:26  But his wife looked back from behind him, and she became a post of salt.
Gen 19:27  And Aḇraham arose early in the morning and went to the place where he had stood before יהוה,
Gen 19:28  and he looked toward Seḏom and Amorah, and toward all the land of the plain. And he looked and saw the smoke of the land which went up like the smoke of a furnace.
Gen 19:29  Thus it came to be, when Elohim destroyed the cities of the plain, that Elohim remembered Aḇraham, and sent Lot out of the midst of the overthrow, when He overthrew the cities in which Lot had dwelt.
Gen 19:30  And Lot went up out of Tsoʽar and dwelt in the mountains, and his two daughters were with him, for he was afraid to dwell in Tsoʽar. And he and his two daughters dwelt in a cave.
Gen 19:31  And the first-born said to the younger, “Our father is old, and there is no man on the earth to come in to us, as is the way of all the earth.
Gen 19:32  “Come, let us make our father drink wine and lie with him, so that we preserve the seed of our father.”
Gen 19:33  So they made their father drink wine that night. And the first-born went in and lay with her father, and he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she arose.
Gen 19:34  And it came to be on the next day that the first-born said to the younger, “See, I lay with my father last night. Let us make him drink wine tonight as well, and you go in and lie with him, so that we keep the seed of our father.”
Gen 19:35  So they made their father drink wine that night as well. And the younger arose and lay with him, and he was not aware of it when she lay down or when she arose.
Gen 19:36  Thus both the daughters of Lot became pregnant by their father.
Gen 19:37  And the first-born bore a son and called his name Mo’aḇ, he is the father of the Mo’aḇites to this day.
Gen 19:38  And the younger, she also bore a son and called his name Ben-Ammi, he is the father of the children of Ammon to this day.

Gen 20:1  And Aḇraham set out from there to the land of the South, and dwelt between Qaḏĕsh and Shur, and stayed in Gerar.
Gen 20:2  And Aḇraham said concerning Sarah his wife, “She is my sister.” And Aḇimeleḵ sovereign of Gerar sent and took Sarah.
Gen 20:3  But Elohim (Yeshuah came from the presence of YHWH) came to Aḇimeleḵ in a dream by night, and said to him, “See, you are a dead man because of the woman whom you have taken, for she is a man’s wife.”

(Targum Onkolos)

כ והוה מימרא דה' בסעדיה דרביא, ורבא; ויתיב, במדברא, והוה, רבי קשתא.

And the word came from the presence of the Lord to Abimelek in a dream of the night, and said to him, Behold, thou diest, on account of the woman whom thou hast taken, and she a man's wife. (Translation: by J. W. Etheridge, M.A.)

Gen 20:4  However, Aḇimeleḵ had not come near her, and he said, “יהוה, would You slay a righteous nation also?
Gen 20:5  “Did he not say to me, ‘She is my sister’? And she, even she herself said, ‘He is my brother.’ In the integrity of my heart and in the innocence of my hands I have done this.”
Gen 20:6  And Elohim said to him in a dream, “Yea, I know that you did this in the integrity of your heart, and so I kept you from sinning against Me. For this reason I did not let you touch her.

(Targum Pseudo-Jonathan) And the Word of the Lord said to him in a dream, Before Me also it is manifest that in the truthfulness of thy heart thou didst this, and so restrained I thee from sinning before Me; (Translation: by J. W. Etheridge, M.A.)

Gen 20:7  “And now, return the man’s wife, for he is a prophet, and let him pray for you and you live. But if you do not return her, know that you shall certainly die, you and all that are yours.”
Gen 20:8  So Aḇimeleḵ rose early in the morning, and called all his servants, and spoke all these words in their hearing. And the men were greatly frightened.
Gen 20:9  And Aḇimeleḵ called Aḇraham and said to him, “What have you done to us? In what have I sinned against you, that you have brought on me and on my reign a great sin? You have done matters to me that should not be done.”
Gen 20:10  And Aḇimeleḵ said to Aḇraham, “What did you have in view, that you have done this matter?”
Gen 20:11  And Aḇraham said, “Only because I said to myself, the fear of Elohim is not in this place, and they shall kill me for the sake of my wife.
Gen 20:12  “And yet, she is truly my sister. She is the daughter of my father, but not the daughter of my mother, and she became my wife.
Gen 20:13  “And it came to be, when Elohim caused me to wander from my father’s house, that I said to her, ‘This is your kindness that you should do for me: in every place, wherever we go, say of me, “He is my brother.” ’ ”
Gen 20:14  Then Aḇimeleḵ took sheep, and cattle, and male and female servants, and gave them to Aḇraham. And he returned Sarah his wife to him.
Gen 20:15  And Aḇimeleḵ said, “See, my land is before you, dwell wherever it is good in your eyes.”
Gen 20:16  And to Sarah he said, “See, I have given your brother a thousand pieces of silver. See, it is to you a covering of eyes before all who are with you and before all others, and you are cleared before everyone.”
Gen 20:17  And Aḇraham prayed to Elohim, and Elohim healed Aḇimeleḵ, and his wife, and his female servants, so they bore children,
Gen 20:18  for יהוה (Yeshuah of YHWH) had closed up all the wombs of the house of Aḇimeleḵ because of Sarah, Aḇraham’s wife.

(Targum Pseudo-Jonathan)For the Word of the Lord shutting had shut in displeasure the wombs of all the women of Abimelek's house on account of Sarah the wife of Abraham. [JERUSALEM. closing had closed.] (Translation: by J. W. Etheridge, M.A.)

Gen 21:1  And יהוה visited Sarah as He had said, and יהוה did for Sarah as He had spoken.
Gen 21:2  So Sarah conceived and bore Aḇraham a son in his old age, at the appointed time of which Elohim had spoken to him.
Gen 21:3  And Aḇraham called the name of his son who was born to him, whom Sarah bore to him, Yitsḥaq.
Gen 21:4  And Aḇraham circumcised his son Yitsḥaq when he was eight days old, as Elohim had commanded him.
Gen 21:5  And Aḇraham was one hundred years old when his son Yitsḥaq was born to him.
Gen 21:6  And Sarah said, “Elohim has made me laugh, and everyone who hears of it laughs with me.”
Gen 21:7  And she said, “Who would have said to Aḇraham that Sarah would nurse children? For I have borne him a son in his old age.”
Gen 21:8  And the child grew and was weaned, and Aḇraham made a great feast on the day that Yitsḥaq was weaned.
Gen 21:9  And Sarah saw the son of Haḡar the Mitsrite, whom she had borne to Aḇraham, mocking.
Gen 21:10  So she said to Aḇraham, “Drive out this female servant and her son, for the son of this female servant shall not inherit with my son, with Yitsḥaq.”
Gen 21:11  And the matter was very evil in the eyes of Aḇraham because of his son.
Gen 21:12  But Elohim said to Aḇraham, “Let it not be evil in your eyes because of the boy and because of your female servant. Whatever Sarah has said to you, listen to her voice, for in Yitsḥaq your seed is called.
Gen 21:13  “And of the son of the female servant I also make a nation, because he is your seed.”
Gen 21:14  And Aḇraham rose early in the morning, and took bread and a skin of water, which he gave to Haḡar, putting it on her shoulder, also the boy, and sent her away. And she left and wandered in the Wilderness of Be’ĕrsheḇa.
Gen 21:15  And the water in the skin was used up, and she placed the boy under one of the shrubs.
Gen 21:16  And she went and sat down about a bowshot away, for she said, “Let me not see the death of the boy.” And she sat opposite him, and lifted her voice and wept.
Gen 21:17  And Elohim heard the voice of the boy, and the messenger of Elohim called to Haḡar from the heavens, and said to her, “What is the matter with you, Haḡar? Do not fear, for Elohim has heard the voice of the boy where he is.
Gen 21:18  “Arise, lift up the boy and hold him with your hand, for I make a great nation of him.”
Gen 21:19  And Elohim opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water. And she went and filled the skin with water, and gave the boy a drink.
Gen 21:20  And Elohim (Yeshuah of YHWH) was with the boy, and he grew and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer.

(Targum Pseudo-Jonathan) And the Word of the Lord was the helper of the youth, and he grew and dwelt in the wilderness, and became a skilful master of the bow. (Translation: by J. W. Etheridge, M.A.)
Gen 21:21  And he dwelt in the Wilderness of Paran, and his mother took a wife for him from the land of Mitsrayim.
Gen 21:22  And it came to be at that time that Aḇimeleḵ and Piḵol, the commander of his army, spoke to Aḇraham, saying, “Elohim (Yeshuah of YHWH) is with you in all that you do.

(Targum Onkolos)

 כב והוה, בעידנא ההוא, ואמר אבימלך ופיכול רב חיליה, לאברהם למימר:  מימרא דה' בסעדך, בכול דאת עביד.

The Word of the Lord is thy Helper in everything thou doest; and now swear to me here, by the Word of the Lord, that thou wilt not be false with me, nor with my son, nor with my son's son; and that according to the good which I have done to thee thou wilt do with me and with the land in which thou art a sojourner. (Translation: by J. W. Etheridge, M.A.)

כג וכען, קיים לי במימרא דה' הכא, דלא תשקר בי, ובברי ובבר ברי; כטיבותא דעבדית עימך, תעביד עימי, ועם ארעא, דאיתותבת בה.

Gen 21:23  “And now, swear to me by Elohim (In Yeshuah of YHWH), not to be untrue to me, to my offspring, or to my descendants. Do to me according to the kindness that I have done to you and to the land in which you have dwelt.”
Gen 21:24  And Aḇraham said, “I swear.”
Gen 21:25  And Aḇraham reproved Aḇimeleḵ because of a well of water which Aḇimeleḵ’s servants had seized.
Gen 21:26  And Aḇimeleḵ said, “I do not know who has done this deed. Neither did you inform me, nor did I hear until today.”
Gen 21:27  So Aḇraham took sheep and cattle and gave them to Aḇimeleḵ, and the two of them made a covenant.
Gen 21:28  And Aḇraham set seven ewe lambs of the flock by themselves.
Gen 21:29  And Aḇimeleḵ asked Aḇraham, “What are these seven ewe lambs which you have set by themselves?”
Gen 21:30  And he said, “Take these seven ewe lambs from my hand, to be my witness that I have dug this well.”
Gen 21:31  So he called that place Be’ĕrsheḇa, because the two of them swore an oath there.
Gen 21:32  Thus they made a covenant at Be’ĕrsheḇa. And Aḇimeleḵ rose with Piḵol, the commander of his army, and they returned to the land of the Philistines.
Gen 21:33  And he planted a tamarisk tree in Be’ĕrsheḇa, and there called on the Name of יהוה (Yeshuah of YHWH), the Everlasting Ěl.

(Targum Pseudo-Jonathan) And he planted a garden, (lit., "a paradise,") at the Well of the Seven Lambs, and prepared in the midst of it food and drink for them who passed by and who returned; and he preached to them there, Confess ye, and believe in the Name of the Word of the Lord, the everlasting God. (Translation: by J. W. Etheridge, M.A.)

Gen 21:34  And Aḇraham sojourned in the land of the Philistines many days.

Gen 22:1  And it came to be after these events that Elohim tried Aḇraham, and said to him, “Aḇraham!” And he said, “Here I am.”
Gen 22:2  And He said, “Take your son, now, your only son Yitsḥaq, whom you love, and go to the land of Moriyah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains which I command you.”
Gen 22:3  And Aḇraham rose early in the morning and saddled his donkey, and took two of his young men with him, and Yitsḥaq his son. And he split the wood for the burnt offering, and arose and went to the place which Elohim had commanded him.
Gen 22:4  And on the third day Aḇraham lifted his eyes and saw the place from a distance.
Gen 22:5  So Aḇraham said to his young men, “Stay here with the donkey while the boy and I go over there and worship, and come back to you.”
Gen 22:6  And Aḇraham took the wood of the burnt offering and laid it on Yitsḥaq his son. And he took the fire in his hand, and a knife, and the two of them went together.
Gen 22:7  And Yitsḥaq spoke to Aḇraham his father and said, “My father!” And he said, “Here I am, my son.” And he said, “See, the fire and the wood! But where is the lamb for a burnt offering?”
Gen 22:8  And Aḇraham said, “My son, Elohim does provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering.” And the two of them went together.
Gen 22:9  And they came to the place which Elohim had commanded him, and Aḇraham built an altar there and placed the wood in order. And he bound Yitsḥaq his son and laid him on the altar, upon the wood.
Gen 22:10  And Aḇraham stretched out his hand and took the knife to slay his son,
Gen 22:11  but the Messenger of יהוה called to him from the heavens and said, “Aḇraham, Aḇraham!” And he said, “Here I am.”
Gen 22:12  And He said, “Do not lay your hand on the boy, nor touch him. For now I know that you fear Elohim, seeing you have not withheld your son, your only son, from Me.”
Gen 22:13  And Aḇraham lifted his eyes and looked and saw behind him a ram caught in a bush by its horns, and Aḇraham went and took the ram and offered it up for a burnt offering instead of his son.
Gen 22:14  And Aḇraham called the name of the place, ‘יהוה Yireh,’ as it is said to this day, “On the mountain יהוה provides.”
Gen 22:15  And the Messenger of יהוה called to Aḇraham a second time from the heavens,
Gen 22:16  and said, “By Myself (In Yeshuah) I have sworn, declares יהוה, because you have done this, and have not withheld your son, your only son,
(Targum Onkolos)

ואמר, במימרי קיימית אמר ה':  ארי, חלף דעבדתא ית פתגמא הדין, ולא מנעתא, ית ברך ית יחידך.
By my Word have I sworn, saith the Lord, because thou hast done this thing, and hast not spared thy only son, therefore, blessing I will bless thee, and multiplying I will multiply thy sons as the stars of heaven and as the sand which is on the sea shore; and thy sons shall inherit the cities of their enemies
 יחויתברכון בדיל בנך, כול עממי ארעא, חלף, דקבילתא למימרי.
And all the peoples of the earth shall be blessed through thy son: forasmuch as thou hast received My word.

Gen 22:17  that I shall certainly bless you, and I shall certainly increase your seed as the stars of the heavens and as the sand which is on the seashore, and let your seed possess the gate of their enemies.
Gen 22:18  “And in your seed all the nations of the earth shall be blessed, because you have obeyed My voice (My Yeshuah).”
Gen 22:19  Then Aḇraham returned to his young men, and they rose up and went together to Be’ĕrsheḇa. And Aḇraham dwelt at Be’ĕrsheḇa.
Gen 22:20  And it came to be after these events that it was reported to Aḇraham, saying, “See, Milkah too has borne children to your brother Naḥor:
Gen 22:21  “Uts his first-born, and Buz his brother, and Qemu’ĕl the father of Aram,
Gen 22:22  and Keseḏ, and Ḥazo, and Pildash, and Yiḏlaph, and Bethu’ĕl.”
Gen 22:23  And Bethu’ĕl brought forth Riḇqah. These eight Milkah bore to Naḥor, Aḇraham’s brother.
Gen 22:24  And his concubine, whose name was Re’uwmah, also bore Teḇaḥ, and Gaḥam, and Taḥash, and Maʽaḵah.

Haftorah: II Ki 4:1-37

2Ki 4:1  And a certain woman of the wives of the sons of the prophets cried out to Elisha, saying, “Your servant my husband is dead, and you know that your servant feared יהוה. And the lender has come to take my two sons to be his slaves.”
2Ki 4:2  And Elisha said to her, “What should I do for you? Inform me, what do you have in the house?” And she said, “Your female servant has none at all in the house except a pot of oil.”
2Ki 4:3  And he said, “Go, borrow vessels from everywhere, from all your neighbours, empty vessels, do not get a few.
2Ki 4:4  “And when you have come in, you shall shut the door behind you and your sons. Then pour it into all those vessels, and set aside the filled ones.”
2Ki 4:5  So she went from him and shut the door behind her and her sons, who brought the vessels to her, and she poured it out.
2Ki 4:6  And it came to be, when the vessels were filled, that she said to her son, “Bring me another vessel.” But he said to her, “There is not another vessel.” And the oil ceased.
2Ki 4:7  So she went and informed the man of Elohim, and he said, “Go, sell the oil and pay your debt. And you and your sons live on the rest.”
2Ki 4:8  And it came to be on a day that Elisha went to Shunĕm, where there was a prominent woman, and she urged him to eat some food. And it came to be, as often as he passed by, that he turned in there to eat some food.
2Ki 4:9  And she said to her husband, “Look, I know that this is a set-apart man of Elohim, who passes by us continually.
2Ki 4:10  “Please, let us make a small upper room on the wall, and let us put a bed for him there, and a table and a chair and a lampstand. And it shall be, whenever he comes to us, let him turn in there.”
2Ki 4:11  And it came to be on a day that he came there, and he turned in to the upper room and lay down there.
2Ki 4:12  And he said to Gĕḥazi his servant, “Call this Shunammite woman.” So he called her, and she stood before him.
2Ki 4:13  And he said to him, “Please say to her, ‘Look, you have gone to all this trouble for us. What is there to be done for you? Should I speak on your behalf to the sovereign or to the commander of the army?’ ” And she answered, “I am dwelling among my own people.”
2Ki 4:14  And he said, “What then is to be done for her?” And Gĕḥazi answered, “Well, she has no son, and her husband is old.”
2Ki 4:15  And he said, “Call her.” So he called her, and she stood in the doorway.
2Ki 4:16  And he said, “About this time next year you shall embrace a son.” And she said, “No, my master, man of Elohim, do not lie to your female servant!”
2Ki 4:17  And the woman conceived, and bore a son when the appointed time had come, of which Elisha had spoken to her.
2Ki 4:18  And the child grew. And it came to be on a day that he went out to his father, to the reapers,
2Ki 4:19  and he said to his father, “My head, my head!” And he said to a servant, “Take him to his mother.”
2Ki 4:20  So he took him and brought him to his mother, and he sat on her knees till noon, and died.
2Ki 4:21  And she went up and laid him on the bed of the man of Elohim, and shut the door on him, and went out.
2Ki 4:22  And she called to her husband, and said, “Please send me one of the young men and one of the donkeys, so that I hurry to the man of Elohim and return.”
2Ki 4:23  And he said, “Why are you going to him today? It is neither the New Moon nor the Sabbath.” And she said, “It is well!”
2Ki 4:24  And she saddled the donkey and said to her servant, “Drive and go, do not slow down, except I speak to you.”
2Ki 4:25  And she went, and came to the man of Elohim at Mount Karmel. And it came to be, when the man of Elohim saw her at a distance, that he said to his servant Gĕḥazi, “See, the Shunammite woman.
2Ki 4:26  “Please run now to meet her, and say to her, ‘Is it well with you? Is it well with your husband? Is it well with the child?’ ” And she answered, “It is well.”
2Ki 4:27  And she came to the man of Elohim at the hill, and she caught him by the feet, but Gĕḥazi came near to push her away. But the man of Elohim said, “Leave her alone, for her being is bitter in her, and יהוה has hidden it from me, and has not revealed it to me.”
2Ki 4:28  And she said, “Did I ask a son of my master? Did I not say, ‘Do not deceive me’?”
2Ki 4:29  And he said to Gĕḥazi, “Gird up your loins, and take my staff in your hand, and go. When you meet anyone, do not greet him, and when anyone greets you, do not answer him. And you shall lay my staff on the face of the child.”
2Ki 4:30  And the mother of the child said, “As יהוה lives, and as your being lives, I do not leave you.” And he rose and followed her.
2Ki 4:31  And Gĕḥazi went on ahead of them, and laid the staff on the face of the child. But there was no voice and there was no hearing, so he went back to meet him, and reported to him, saying, “The child has not awakened.”
2Ki 4:32  And Elisha came into the house and saw the child was dead, lying on his bed,
2Ki 4:33  and he went in, and shut the door behind the two of them, and prayed to יהוה.
2Ki 4:34  And he went up and lay on the child, and put his mouth on his mouth, and his eyes on his eyes, and his hands on his hands, and stretched himself out on the child, and the flesh of the child became warm.
2Ki 4:35  And he returned and walked back and forth in the house, then went up and stretched himself out on him. And the child sneezed seven times, and the child opened his eyes.
2Ki 4:36  And he called Gĕḥazi and said, “Call this Shunammite.” So he called her. And she came in to him, and he said, “Pick up your son.”
2Ki 4:37  Then she went in and fell at his feet, and bowed herself to the ground, and picked up her son and went out.

Suggested HaBerith HaChadashah Reading: Lk 1:26-38; 24:36-53;
2 Pet. 2:4-11

Luk 1:26  And in the sixth month the messenger Gaḇri’ĕl was sent by Elohim to a city of Galil named Natsareth,
Luk 1:27  to a maiden engaged to a man whose name was Yosĕph, of the house of Dawiḏ. And the maiden’s name was Miryam.
Luk 1:28  And the messenger, coming to her, said, “Greetings, favoured one, the Master is with you. Blessed are you among women!”
Luk 1:29  But she was greatly disturbed at his word, and wondered what kind of greeting this was.
Luk 1:30  And the messenger said to her, “Do not be afraid, Miryam, for you have found favour with Elohim.
Luk 1:31  “And see, you shall conceive in your womb, and shall give birth to a Son, and call His Name יהושע.1 Footnote: 1Mt. 1:21.
Luk 1:32  “He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High. And יהוה Elohim shall give Him the throne of His father Dawiḏ.
Luk 1:33  “And He shall reign over the house of Yaʽaqoḇ forever, and there shall be no end to His reign.”1 Footnote: 1Verses 32 and 33 confirm the prophecies Ps. 2, Ps. 89:14-34, Isa. 9:7, Isa. 16:5, Jer. 23:3-6, Jer. 30:9, Ezek. 37:24, Dan. 2:44, Dan. 7:18-27, Mic. 5:2-4, Acts 1:6-7, Rev. 11:15.
Luk 1:34  And Miryam said to the messenger, “How shall this be, since I do not know a man?”
Luk 1:35  And the messenger answering, said to her, “The Set-apart Spirit shall come upon you, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow you. And for that reason the Set-apart One born of you shall be called: Son of Elohim.
Luk 1:36  “And see, Elisheḇa your relative, she has also conceived a son in her old age. And this is now the sixth month to her who was called barren,
Luk 1:37  because with Elohim no matter shall be impossible.”
Luk 1:38  And Miryam said, “See the female servant of יהוה! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the messenger went away from her.

Luk 1:26  And in the sixth month the messenger Gaḇri’ĕl was sent by Elohim to a city of Galil named Natsareth,
Luk 1:27  to a maiden engaged to a man whose name was Yosĕph, of the house of Dawiḏ. And the maiden’s name was Miryam.
Luk 1:28  And the messenger, coming to her, said, “Greetings, favoured one, the Master is with you. Blessed are you among women!”
Luk 1:29  But she was greatly disturbed at his word, and wondered what kind of greeting this was.
Luk 1:30  And the messenger said to her, “Do not be afraid, Miryam, for you have found favour with Elohim.
Luk 1:31  “And see, you shall conceive in your womb, and shall give birth to a Son, and call His Name יהושע.1 Footnote: 1Mt. 1:21.
Luk 1:32  “He shall be great, and shall be called the Son of the Most High. And יהוה Elohim shall give Him the throne of His father Dawiḏ.
Luk 1:33  “And He shall reign over the house of Yaʽaqoḇ forever, and there shall be no end to His reign.”1 Footnote: 1Verses 32 and 33 confirm the prophecies Ps. 2, Ps. 89:14-34, Isa. 9:7, Isa. 16:5, Jer. 23:3-6, Jer. 30:9, Ezek. 37:24, Dan. 2:44, Dan. 7:18-27, Mic. 5:2-4, Acts 1:6-7, Rev. 11:15.
Luk 1:34  And Miryam said to the messenger, “How shall this be, since I do not know a man?”
Luk 1:35  And the messenger answering, said to her, “The Set-apart Spirit shall come upon you, and the power of the Most High shall overshadow you. And for that reason the Set-apart One born of you shall be called: Son of Elohim.
Luk 1:36  “And see, Elisheḇa your relative, she has also conceived a son in her old age. And this is now the sixth month to her who was called barren,
Luk 1:37  because with Elohim no matter shall be impossible.”
Luk 1:38  And Miryam said, “See the female servant of יהוה! Let it be to me according to your word.” And the messenger went away from her.

2Pe 2:4  For if Elohim did not spare the messengers who sinned, but sent them to Tartaros, and delivered them into chains of darkness, to be kept for judgment,
2Pe 2:5  and did not spare the world of old, but preserved Noaḥ, a proclaimer of righteousness, and seven others, bringing in the flood on the world of the wicked,
2Pe 2:6  and having reduced to ashes the cities of Seḏom and Amorah condemned them to destruction – having made them an example to those who afterward would live wickedly,
2Pe 2:7  and rescued righteous Lot, who was oppressed with the indecent behaviour of the lawless1 Footnote: 1The Greek word here, and in 3:17, is athesmos (not the usual one, anomos) but it also means “lawless.”
2Pe 2:8  (for day after day that righteous man, dwelling among them, tortured his righteous being by seeing and hearing their lawless works),
2Pe 2:9  then יהוה knows how to rescue the reverent ones from trial and to keep the unrighteous unto the day of judgment, to be punished,
2Pe 2:10  and most of all those walking after the flesh in filthy lust and despising authority – bold, headstrong, speaking evil of esteemed ones,
2Pe 2:11  whereas messengers who are greater in strength and power do not bring a slanderous accusation against them before the Master. 

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